Survey of nurse education programmes and nursing students’ decision-making in medicines management and interprofessional pharmaceutical care

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Dear student,
Thank you for visiting our website. This website is part of a scientific project, called DeMoPhaC (DEvelopment of a MOdel for nurses’ role in interprofessional PHArmaceutical Care). This part of the study is entitled “Survey of nurse education programmes and nursing students’ decision-making in medicines management and interprofessional pharmaceutical care”. Its aim is to gain insight into current nursing curricula and students’ knowledge of medicines management. The study is being conducted in 14 European countries with final year nursing students from different levels of nursing education. Your responses to the different questions on this website will contribute to a better understanding of the extent to which current nurse educational programmes prepare students to undertake medicines management. We will show you different types of questions. Within the decision-making questions there are two levels of difficulty. You will get access to the more advanced levels, once you succeed in answering the basic questions.